Heliana Verónica Higbie

I am a published sustainability professional, LEED Accredited and GRI certified, with over a decade of experience in the Sustainability field.
I am currently Director of Transportation & Smart Mobility for ICF, where I manage a Transportation Demand Management Program in the Hudson Valley. My experience ranges across sectors, and across countries.
In my free time, I like to meditate, play volleyball, harmonica, and to garden.

Columbia University's Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory Designated a Clean Air Campus

Check out my article "Inclusive Diversity: Key to Sustainability" published in the Fall 2017 Northeast Sustainable Energy Association's Building Energy Magazine.

Check out my article on Smart Growth Development

This LED lighting project that I spearheaded is saving the City of Yonkers hundreds of thousands of dollars per year.

City of Yonkers Earns Clean Energy Community Designation For Its Commitment to Cut Costs and Reduce Energy Consumption

Check out a recycling initiative I spearheaded for the City of Yonkers

Yonkers Hosts Home Energy Efficiency Seminars

Sustainability Trainings in Bogota - Colombia. The same training was replicated in the seven countries represented in PepsiCo's South America Foods region

Overview of various PepsiCo Sustainability projects

I've given Lectures and spoken at multiple events, conferences, colleges, etc.